I offer one to one tutorials in house. Here's a little information on both: Photography TutorialsSo much of this medium is confusing, including the language used, it is my aim to de-mystify the technical jargon and introduce you to more meaningful photography principles and techniques. We’ll get to know your particular camera by exploring the menu’s, the features and functions. We’ll look at creative exposure, lighting and compositional techniques, and gain an understanding of how changing various settings will produce more effective images, more in line with what you visualised. By the end of the course you’ll be creating stunning images rather than merely recording the world around you. I’m a see and do learner so that’s how I teach, the course is practical and hands-on, we shoot as we go. You’ll take home a straightforward guidebook containing explanations and directions for the common controls and techniques. Just a few of the things we'll cover: Digital Editing TutorialsA great opportunity to explore your own photo editing programs at home or in the workplace. I teach a wide range of editing software but specialise in Adobe Photoshop & Adobe Photoshop Elements. Content includes:
By the end of the session you’ll have a better understanding of how to enhance that ‘not so great’ image and make great images look fantastic! We’ll cover the subjects of your choice at a pace and time that best suits you. You’ll have the confidence to navigate around your software with ease and reduce the time spent editing your images. A no nonsense guidebook will be supplied containing explanations and step-by-step instructions for the common commands and enhancements. I also run Photoshop courses through Waimea College. A six week programme Tuesday nights from 6.30-8.30pm. Contact them directly for enrolments.
Geri SheppardMother of two Archives
May 2016